
Sony Music Sweden

Memorial campaign for Sony Music Sweden
Creative Director & Art Director at B-REEL

In 2016 Kent, Swedens biggest rock band announced the release of their final album and retirement. A nation wide year long funeral campaign was initiated, uniting all fans. Part of this being the launch of Kentipedia, a memorial site covering the bands 26 year long career, music and previously unpublished material, open for the fans to build on.


The memorial site got picked up and highlighted by newspapers, TV and online media. Music journalists and fans from all over Sweden contributed with personal, relatable stories weaving a an exceptional 26 year-long band career.


Online experience. Kentipedia summerised Kent's full history and was open for everyone to build on, adding personal anecdotes, reflections or previously unpublished content.

David Hammarström
Independent Art & Creative Director