
The pleasure hunt series

Games for Lowe Brindfors/Unilever
Creative director, Art Director & Designer at B-Reel

With over 25 million players this advergame saga has made it to the books. In four separate games we had our audience playing as a pleasure hunting heroine in her quest for choclaty coated ice creams, bending internet conventions and pushing multi medial bounderies out of the frame. Both desktop and hand held devices were covered throughout the years along with a long array of partner brands.


Magnum Pleasure Hunt 1. The objective was simple, chase down the choclote bon bons on the internet, the better the time and the more chocolate the merrier. The first episode in the series leaked and totally boomed before even being officially launched. It became the worlds most tweeted url in the world for a day, followed by 725 101 visitors in only five days.


Magnum Pleasure Hunt 2. Second episode in the series came in bigger, bolder and more realistic. Instead of using websites as pimary platform we brought life into three mapped pleasure cities of the world, turning street view functionality and digital map conventions into our very own playground.


Magnum Pleasure Hunt, 5 Lost Kisses. The third time around our heroine's love got snatched, in five different minigames her pleasure hunting strength was put to a test winning him back. Five lost kisses celebrated the five all new Magnum ice creams and was a grand homage to the old school gaming world.


David Hammarström
Independent Art & Creative Director